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Serious Business, for your Business

We are in an era where people are concerned with the look and aesthetic of their bathroom products, and will spend $99 on a Dior face moisturizer and $60 on Lush bath bombs, but will then turn around and spend $7 dollars on a pack of store brand toilet paper that will legitimately tear their asses to shreds.


When it comes down to it, this toilet paper business is serious business. One might go so far to say it's your business' business.


In an attempt to show the ridiculousness of this, we have created a "parody brand extension" for Cottonelle toilet paper, featuring a luxurious packaging design and a sensual photo shoot in vain of perfume/cologne print ads.


We have developed a campaign which acts as a hyperbole, assisting consumers with how to take their toilet paper more seriously. The goal is to gently poke fun consumers spending their money in excess on bathroom accessories but treat the quality of their toilet paper as an afterthought.

Creative Director: Thomas Scott

Art Directors: Nicole Passmore, Jim Gullickson, & Emma Wolff

Strategy Team: Nicole Passmore, Jim Gullickson, & Emma Wolff

Cottonelle Brand Parody Campaign
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